“How to Choose a Great Therapist”

How to Choose a Great Therapist

With so many options out there, how do you choose the right therapist?

Therapy is a very valuable and intimate relationship. It’s an opportunity for you to be supported while you face those things in your life that are often holding you back from leading your best and healthiest life. That being said, just because someone has a degree and/or professional credentials, does not mean they are going to be able to give you the support you need to successfully achieve your therapeutic goals. Even as I write that, it took the wind out of my sails a little bit. But, never fear, the fact that you have so many options means you have the opportunity to find that perfect fit! Furthermore, I want to stress the value of finding the right fit: Consider the trials and tribulations you have been through in finding the right partner in your life, or friendships, job environments, childcare, or even pets (and vets for that matter!)... did you marry the first person you met? Did you interview different babysitters before you found that one that you would trust to leave your child with? Did you take home the first kitten or puppy you saw or did you play with them all? Perhaps those aren’t all the best comparisons, because the first cat I ever adopted on my own was the last one left, and I was just going to meet him and see how it went… That kitten chose me and the rest is history. So, there’s that. 

When looking for a therapist, there are a lot of things you want to consider: location, specialty, cost/whether they take your insurance, do they have openings/availability, etc. You may have some other preferences to help you narrow down your options such as how long they have been practicing, what credentials they have, male/female/non-binary, age, etc. And then once you have narrowed down your options using various concrete specifiers, then you can look at the list in front of you. I am someone who firmly believes in trusting your gut. When I picked out colleges and graduate schools, I looked at things like location, cost, evaluation of the programs… and then I went to visit the campus and asked myself “where do I feel comfortable?”. So, my recommendation for the next step is to look at the photos of the clinicians, review their websites and read the copy and content, which clinician do you feel a connection with? And then reach out to these clinicians and schedule a phone consultation. At this point, get a feeling for who seems like they might be the best fit. Is this someone you feel like you can build a rapport with? Is this someone you trust can hold a safe space for you to do the work? Does this feel like the person who can support you in the way that you need? 

My final piece of advice: much like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, I encourage you to not just take the first one on the list, but to keep searching until you have found one that feels like the right fit. Even after you have completed an intake with a therapist, and maybe even worked with them for an extended period of time, do not feel compelled to stay with them if it does not feel right! 

If you are looking for a therapist in-person in Vancouver, WA or online in Washington State, click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

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