Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Whether you have had a long history of traumatic events, or a single traumatic event (like a car accident), I can help you process and clear these experiences so that you no longer re-live them in your day-to-day life using EMDR either in-person or online via Telehealth. If you are interested in learning more about EMDR therapy, please contact me.


Memories of a traumatic experience are not processed and stored in the brain the same way that memories of daily experiences (such as remembering one’s grocery list) are. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy technique that is able to consolidate the memory fragments of the trauma in the brain and decrease the negative symptoms of trauma.


EMDR follows an eight-phase process that occurs over multiple sessions. During this time, a client might provide a brief overview of the traumatic event, but is not asked to verbally process in detail. The memory is reprocessed using one form of bilateral stimulation (such as eye movement back and forth, alternating audio sounds, or alternating self-tapping) that serves to both stimulate the brain’s natural processes as well as anchor the client in the present moment while processing past events.


For more information about EMDR, visit https://www.emdria.org/about-emdr-therapy/